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Essential Precautions after Wisdom Tooth Removal

Aug 01, 2022

Although wisdom tooth removal is a standard procedure performed by dentists and oral surgeons, the extraction requires surgery because the third molars are located on the back of the jaws and often remain impacted below the gum line. Most surgical procedures risk complications, and wisdom tooth removal is not an exception to the rule.

Before undergoing wisdom tooth removal, dentists advise you on the anesthesia you will receive during the procedure and provide instructions on caring for your mouth and oral hygiene after having the tooth extracted.

Wisdom teeth your third molars emerge between 17 and 25 when sufficient space in your jaw isn’t available to accommodate them. Your dentist suggests the process as a preventive measure to prevent problems in your mouth later.

Wisdom teeth might emerge in most adults and teenagers, although some are fortunate not to have them. Unfortunately, many have impacted wisdom teeth that erupt partially or remain hidden under the gum line. As a result, you might experience issues like pain, food debris trapped behind the wisdom tooth, infections like tooth decay and gum disease, and damage to the neighboring teeth or surrounding bone. Therefore, it is to prevent unnecessary complications in your mouth that dentists recommend wisdom teeth removed when they notice them in x-rays during routine exams and cleanings.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

The wisdom tooth removal surgery is straightforward and completed by the dentist or oral surgeon in approximately 90 minutes in a hospital setting. You receive sedation or intravenous anesthesia to relax you during the removal and local anesthesia in your mouth for pain management.

The surgeon performing the removal must make incisions in your gums to expose the wisdom tooth and bone. Next, they must remove the bone blocking access to the wisdom tooth and even divide the tooth into sections making it easier to extract in pieces. After removing the tooth, the surgeon cleans the surgical site and places gauze over it to control bleeding and help in blood clot formation.

After the wisdom tooth removal process, you will experience pain and swelling comfortable to manage following your dentist’s after-care instructions. However, following the precautions suggested in this article helps you recover faster from the surgical procedure.

Essential Precautions after Extraction of Wisdom Teeth

  • Do not consider having hot and crunchy foods immediately following wisdom tooth removal. Instead, have soft and cold foods as soon as possible after taking the medications recommended by the surgeon.
  • Remove the gauze from the extraction site when eating and replace it after you finish leaving it in the mouth until the bleeding stops from the tooth socket.
  • You can brush and floss your teeth remaining cautious near the wisdom tooth extraction when maintaining appropriate oral care. You can start brushing 24 hours after the surgery using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoiding the surgical site to ensure you don’t dislodge the blood clot.
  • Do not consider using mouthwash after wisdom tooth removal unless advised by the oral surgeon. However, you can clean your mouth with salt water rinses 24 hours after the extraction three to four times per day to prevent infections from the bacteria in your mouth.
  • You cannot jump into your daily activities immediately following wisdom tooth surgery. Getting sufficient rest on the day of your procedure and the next is essential. Please do not get into strenuous exercises or consider lifting heavy objects because it might dislodge the blood clot.
  • Pain and swelling after wisdom tooth removal are expected and manageable using painkillers prescribed by the surgeon and ice packs placed on your cheeks to alleviate the swelling. The pain and swelling subside after 72 hours and resolve approximately ten days after the procedure. However, if you continue experiencing these issues beyond 72 hours, you must seek advice from the surgeon on managing the problem.
  • Although unfamiliar, infections might develop in your mouth after a surgical procedure to extract wisdom teeth. Therefore whenever you develop any discomfort from the surgical procedure making you experience bleeding, pain, and swelling beyond the period mentioned above, you must seek advice from the oral surgeon to confirm you don’t have any infections that might require additional care from the professional.

Caring for your mouth as recommended by the professional and using the suggestions mentioned herein help you recover faster without encountering any problems.

Montebello Dental Clinic performs numerous wisdom tooth extraction procedures advising patients to care for themselves after removing their third molars. If you must have your wisdom teeth extracted, please schedule your appointment for the removal with this practice.

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